Look for fraudsters to apply COVID-era tricks to new programs
February 28, 2023 | Data & Analytics, NewsThe pandemic laid bare state and local governments’ vulnerability to fraud, and agencies must lean into data-sharing technology to keep up defenses, an expert advises.
Texas Public Safety agency sent at least 3,000 driver’s licenses to organized crime group targeting Asian Texans
| News, CybersecurityA Chinese crime operation bypassed the password clues of Texas.gov by using stolen identity information to fraudulently obtain replacement driver’s licenses.
Building scalable, cost-effective application security
| News, CybersecurityCOMMENTARY | Automated scanning and remediation platforms can identify, fix and prevent security gaps and vulnerabilities at the software application and development levels.
Southern states have the most open cyber exposures, report finds
| News, CybersecurityThe 14 states in that region have more than 100,000 vulnerabilities, misconfigurations and data leaks that all must be addressed to prevent attacks, researchers found.
NASA tests autonomous aircraft decision tech in Arizona cities
| News, Emerging TechThe agency is aiming to help air vehicles respond to anomalies—such as weather changes—faster, as the vehicles are used to provide essential services.
Data to treat the rising cost of prescriptions
February 27, 2023 | News, Data & AnalyticsMinnesota policymakers have new dashboards to track prescription costs in an effort to combat unaffordable medication.
Workforce gaps could impact zero trust rollout
| News, CybersecurityThe cyber-cloud skills shortfall in state government could slow down zero trust implementation, but there are ways to reduce the deficit.
How to build future-facing ERP
| News, Cloud & InfrastructureThoroughly understanding the limitations of the legacy platform and mapping out the business case for replacing an enterprise resource planning system will help agencies build for the future instead of reconstructing the past.
DHS tests show facial recognition tech has varied results, but gaining ground
| News, Emerging TechAlthough some systems were able to meet performance thresholds for all demographic groups, others did show differentials because of issues with obtaining quality photos of people with varying skin tones.
Drones on the front lines in public safety operations
February 24, 2023 | News, Public SafetyDrone networks that allow seamless communication among devices, first responders and dispatch centers enhance public safety operations.