What early adopters get wrong
April 28, 2023 | News, Cloud & InfrastructureLong-term smart city success is more likely when leaders take the time to establish data and tech governance frameworks with community input, one expert says.
EVs rev up cybersecurity challenges
| News, CybersecurityWithout a meaningful way to secure and insure the electric-vehicle infrastructure, EV owners, charging stations and fleet managers are vulnerable to hackers.
Are people getting better at avoiding misinformation?
| News, Data & AnalyticsResearch shows people may be avoiding unreliable websites more often, but older adults are still targets of malicious misinformation.
Zero-trust citizen access: Secure services for residents and agencies
| News, CybersecurityCOMMENTARY | A zero-trust citizen portal gives residents seamless access to public services while protecting increasingly vulnerable government networks from attack.
How one city transformed its approach to data
| News, Data & AnalyticsCOMMENTARY | Carlsbad, California, had siloed data streams and didn’t effectively communicate between departments. It changed that and is using its smart city status to tackle today's biggest problems.
Can Fortran survive another 15 years?
April 27, 2023 | News, Cloud & InfrastructureResearchers at Los Alamos National Laboratory evaluated the risks of relying on the 65-year-old code for nuclear security.
City pilots sensors that track street activity, detect conflicts
| Data & Analytics, NewsThe devices will collect data on road users’ speed, turning movements and modes and paths of travel to inform safety initiatives and city planning.
Clean up technical debt before chasing shiny objects, state CTO advises
| News, Cloud & InfrastructureWhile it may be tempting to roll out flashy user-facing features, investing in the back-end infrastructure is even more important.
Takeaways from our investigation into Wisconsin’s racially inequitable dropout algorithm
| News, Data & AnalyticsWisconsin’s Dropout Early Warning System (DEWS) scores every middle schooler based on income, race and more.
3 in 4 Americans worry AI will take their jobs
| News, Emerging TechA Forbes survey indicates Americans are growing more alarmed about artificial intelligence for a variety of reasons.