$1 trillion a year in tax breaks goes out the door. Are states keeping track?
July 02, 2024 | News, FinanceA new report from the Volcker Alliance highlights the lack of transparency around tax expenditures, and calls on states to better monitor whether the tax breaks are achieving their intended effects.
13 states with Republican governors opt out of summer food program for kids
June 27, 2024 | News, FinanceThey cite opposition to ‘welfare’ and administrative costs in declining to participate in Summer EBT.
Is it time to dig into rainy day funds?
June 26, 2024 | News, FinanceDespite reserves bulging and revenue receding, state legislators and governors are reluctant to spend savings.
The fuzzy line between sports betting and fantasy games
| Finance, NewsSeveral states have already clamped down on fantasy apps for getting too close to sports betting. Virginia could be next.
In tax code ruling, U.S. Supreme Court declined to open ‘Pandora’s box’
June 21, 2024 | News, FinanceJustices sided with the government, avoiding a decision that could have upended the tax code and cost state and local governments trillions of dollars.
The great Salt Lake City tax tradeoff
June 17, 2024 | News, FinanceIn a few weeks, the city council will be voting on a 0.5% sales tax to support economic development downtown. But it’s not the money that is drawing all the attention, it’s what the city is giving up.
How local government fraud has—and hasn’t—changed since the pandemic
June 14, 2024 | News, FinanceWe spoke to a leading state auditor about how remote work and artificial intelligence are ushering in new kinds of fraud in state and local governments.
Big districts like Philadelphia ‘gamble’ on higher spending as enrollment falls, study finds
June 13, 2024 | Finance, NewsEnd of federal relief funds means 'all of the big districts at once' face decisions about layoffs and school closures, says Manhattan Institute.
States struggle to help patients navigate insurance hurdle known as ‘step therapy’
June 12, 2024 | News, FinanceInsurers often refuse to cover a specific drug until after the patient has tried cheaper alternatives.
More cities are seeing budget gaps: Here’s what not to do
June 10, 2024 | News, FinanceA growing number of cities are having to make tough decisions this spring in order to balance next year’s budgets.