More than a dozen states have activated the National Guard to secure midterm elections
November 07, 2022 | News, CybersecurityOther states can request help, but some leaders say more capacity is needed.
DOD’s testing chief wants cloud contracts to allow for more security checks
February 07, 2022 | Cloud & Infrastructure, NewsThe Defense Department's Office of the Director, Operational Test and Evaluation recommended commercial cloud contracts be renegotiated to include independent cyber assessments.
The Navy’s plan to crack down on data duplication
January 31, 2022 | News, Data & AnalyticsTom Sasala, the Navy Department's chief data officer, said the service has been targeting duplicative data sets in financial systems.
A USAF initiative for the hybrid workplace
January 25, 2022 | News, Cloud & InfrastructureThe Air Force Installation and Mission Support Center in Joint Base San Antonio has been transitioning to a hybrid work environment for two years, shrinking physical facilities by 40%.
DISA preps for a diverse hybrid cloud environment
January 24, 2022 | News, Cloud & InfrastructureThe Defense Information Systems Agency is experimenting with using commercial containers in data centers to help prepare for a multi-vendor, multi-capability cloud environment.