National cybersecurity review begins for all levels of government
October 04, 2022 | News, CybersecurityThe annual self-assessment asks all states and local agencies, tribal nations and territorial governments receiving DHS security grants to assess their cyber gaps and capabilities.
Guidance aims to help critical infrastructure protect against cyberattacks
September 26, 2022 | News, CybersecurityA cybersecurity advisory will help critical infrastructure owners and operators simplify choices around the security of industrial control systems while allowing flexibility the companies say is needed to their operations.
Rule for vendors’ secure software self-attestation in the works
September 15, 2022 | News, CybersecurityFederal agencies will soon need vendors to attest that their products conform with NIST guidance on secure software development, OMB says.
New guide to secure software development passes on content but fails on communication, industry official says
September 07, 2022 | Cybersecurity, NewsThe lengthy document may miss its target audience altogether, one industry observer notes.
Lax data privacy rules may expose consumer location information
August 30, 2022 | News, Data & AnalyticsWith states now free to enforce their own data privacy laws, regulators have been on the lookout for mobile carriers sharing sensitive location information.
DHS commits to better intel sharing with law enforcement, points to mobile app
August 23, 2022 | News, Emerging TechWhether the department has increased information sharing with government partners is unclear, but—either way—the quality is just not there, according to DHS’ Office of the Inspector General.
Locking down identity and access management post-SolarWinds
August 04, 2022 | News, CybersecurityThe epic intrusion campaign has turned up the brights on vendors providing authentication services, but agencies will still need to be actively engaged for effective implementation.
EPA to issue cybersecurity rule for water facilities
August 01, 2022 | News, CybersecurityThe EPA will extend its sanitary reviews of critical water facilities to include cybersecurity, an administration official said.
Diabetes patients flood FDA with comments on cybersecurity for medical devices
July 11, 2022 | News, CybersecurityCommenters want the Food and Drug Administration to clarify that cybersecurity guidance intended to prevent unauthorized access to data and devices should not apply to patients.
Report details 5G security assessment process
May 31, 2022 | News, Cloud & InfrastructureWith a uniform and flexible approach, agencies can evaluate, understand and address security and resilience gaps with their 5G assessment policies.