Florida allows doctors to perform C-sections outside of hospitals
May 29, 2024 | Management, NewsThe law aims to lower costs and make maternity services more widely available, but doctors and the hospital industry say that performing C-sections in doctor-run clinics will increase the risks for women and babies when complications arise.
Halfway through ‘unwinding,’ Medicaid enrollment is down about 10 million
February 07, 2024 | News, ManagementWhile many beneficiaries no longer qualify because their incomes rose, millions of people have been dropped from the rolls for procedural reasons like failing to respond to notices or return paperwork.
Most people dropped in Medicaid ‘unwinding’ never tried to renew coverage, Utah finds
January 08, 2024 | News, ManagementMedicaid officials in Utah conducted a survey to answer a burning question in health policy: What happened to people dropped from the program in the post-pandemic "unwinding"?
1 in 3 people dropped by Utah Medicaid left uninsured, a ‘concerning’ sign for nation
November 27, 2023 | News, ManagementWithout Medicaid coverage, more individuals nationwide are left without uninsured. Observers warn people may delay seeking needed care or be left with unaffordable bills when they get it without access to health insurance coverage.