How effective asset management supports data center sustainability
March 28, 2023 | News, Cloud & InfrastructureCOMMENTARY | With proactive monitoring and asset management, agencies can drive down cooling costs while avoiding downtime risk.
How chat comments can supercharge safety net programs
March 23, 2023 | News, Cloud & InfrastructureWith help from Code for America, New Mexico is analyzing its chat session data to uncover ways to improve customer experience through automation or a more personal touch.
New HUD playbook guides underserved communities in accessing broadband funding
| News, Cloud & InfrastructureIt seeks to help public housing authorities, multifamily owners and operators, and tribes determine how to spend federal broadband money to close the digital divide.
Quantum sensing has ‘critical’ potential for electrical grid, official says
| Cloud & Infrastructure, NewsQuantum information technologies could be applied to the electrical grid for security and sustainability improvements.
DOT awards $94 million for innovative transportation tech
March 22, 2023 | News, Cloud & InfrastructureThe Strengthening Mobility and Revolutionizing Transportation Grants Program made 59 awards for demonstration projects leveraging automation, connected vehicles, sensors and drones as well as smart grid and intelligent traffic signal technologies.
Text alerts could streamline benefits redetermination processes
March 21, 2023 | News, Cloud & InfrastructureA text-based notification system could help agencies that administer federally funded benefits remind participants of applications, renewals and appointments.
We’re back! Our grand return to live events
| News, Cloud & InfrastructureGCN and Route Fifty will hit the road with a new free event series to explore how cities across the country are building their future today.
UI modernization, identity verification limit state fraud loss
March 20, 2023 | Cloud & Infrastructure, NewsHalfway through a four-year modernization of its unemployment insurance management system, New York state’s Labor Department aims to create a more seamless and secure user experience.
Assistive AI can revolutionize public safety collaboration
March 17, 2023 | News, Cloud & InfrastructureCloud-based collaboration supported by artificial intelligence can generate the insights that help multiple agencies operate efficiently across routine and major incidents.
Estonia’s e-governance revolution is hailed as a voting success – so why are some US states pulling in the opposite direction?
| News, Cloud & InfrastructureSome U.S. states are withdrawing from the Electronic Registration Information Center, a multistate data-sharing effort to improve voter roll accuracy—a move one expert says undermines election security and integrity.