CISA: Election security still under threat at cyber and physical level
March 21, 2023 | News, CybersecurityThreats enacted by state-sponsored actors during the 2022 election have highlighted the need for “continued vigilance” in upcoming elections, said CISA Election Security Advisor Kim Wyman.
State cyber workforce challenges reaching ‘crisis levels’
March 20, 2023 | News, CybersecurityBy marketing themselves better and adapting to remote work, states can attract and retain more cybersecurity workers, a new report suggests.
Remember user experience in the zero trust journey
March 17, 2023 | Cybersecurity, NewsEducation, user-friendly technologies and leadership buy in can help bring employees onboard.
ChatGPT could make phishing more sophisticated
March 16, 2023 | News, CybersecurityThe latest version’s greater “steerability” allows users to vary the style and tone of generated text to make scams even harder to detect.
NSA offers new tips on zero trust and identity
| News, CybersecurityNew zero trust guidance for government agencies highlights best practices for maturing identity and access controls.
CISA launches pilot to spot ransomware vulnerabilities
March 14, 2023 | News, CybersecurityBy uncovering vulnerabilities associated with known exploits, CISA can warn critical infrastructure organizations so they can mitigate issues before a ransomware incident occurs.
Password mismanagement still at the heart of security issues
| News, CybersecurityWhile many government employees reuse credentials that have been compromised and put online, one expert warned MFA is not the “silver bullet” solution.
Report: Increased remote work for many governments also raises cyber risks
March 13, 2023 | News, CybersecurityRoughly one-third of government employees believe “their actions don’t matter when it comes to security,” according to a new survey.
New bills look to help small water systems tap cybersecurity help
| Cybersecurity, NewsNew legislation looks to set aside $10 million to help subsidize fees for small utilities to join the Water Information Sharing and Analysis Center.
Acting national cyber director offers new details on upcoming cyber workforce strategy
March 08, 2023 | News, CybersecurityThe forthcoming plan is meant to accompany an overarching cyber strategy released last week that industry groups and cybersecurity experts said would be challenging to implement given the nation’s cyber workforce woes.