Cities dip into immersive technologies
March 13, 2024 | News, Emerging TechDigital twins are helping streamline city planning and apprenticeship programs, but governments must step up adoption to fully realize the benefits, an expert says.
Americans are skeptical of online age verification, even as its use grows abroad
March 11, 2024 | News, Emerging TechStates are turning to technology to verify users’ ages before allowing access to social media and other content. But the approach faces an uphill climb without a national data privacy law that addresses Americans' concerns about the safety of their… Read More »
AI tools lack ‘expertise’ for site selection
March 05, 2024 | News, Emerging TechA recent study found that generative AI doesn't produce the same results as humans when helping businesses pick a city or state for a new factory or headquarters. It also doesn't explain how it makes its choices—a troubling finding, researchers… Read More »
How the procurement process can help agencies acquire responsible AI
March 04, 2024 | News, Emerging TechBuying artificial intelligence is not just about setting new policies to manage emerging technology, but applying tried-and-true processes, one expert says.
AI could help clear food stamp backlogs plaguing some states
February 29, 2024 | News, Emerging TechStates are increasingly seeing it as a way to better process public benefit programs amid workforce shortages and outdated technology issues. But change can be incremental amid policy and money concerns.
Chicago is the latest city rethinking disputed technology that listens for gunshots
February 27, 2024 | News, Emerging TechMore than 150 U.S. cities use ShotSpotter, but a growing body of research shows that the tool has not succeeded in reducing gun violence, has slowed police response times to emergency calls and often did not lead to evidence recovery.
Vending machines expand scope, impact of public health initiatives
February 26, 2024 | News, Emerging TechThe self-serve kiosks distribute health and hygiene products for free, which experts say improves accessibility to essential services and helps an increasingly pinched public health workforce.
States clash over what responsible AI looks like
February 21, 2024 | News, Emerging TechWhile some states are still establishing task forces and preparing to take advantage of the tech, others are more hesitant, warning of job losses and federal influence on a nascent industry.
Policies to expand access to psychedelics could be ‘short-sighted’
February 16, 2024 | News, Emerging TechWhile research shows psychedelics’ potential to mitigate the effects of substance use disorders, observers warn states might be better off waiting for federal guidance before legalizing their use and possession.
AI is helping police solve more crimes, but some are still worried
January 26, 2024 | News, Emerging TechAt a recent Senate hearing, concerns were raised about false arrests and how little is known about the accuracy of some AI products.