Communities push to take over investor-owned utilities and make them public nonprofits
May 31, 2024 | News, InfrastructureAdvocates say public power can deliver cheaper rates and a faster, more equitable transition to clean energy. Still, the measures face long odds.
Spike in pedestrian deaths hits nearly all metros
May 30, 2024 | News, InfrastructureThe Memphis area leads the nation in pedestrian deaths, but almost all metropolitan areas have become more dangerous for walkers, according to a new report.
Water conservation standards are crucial to addressing future challenges
May 28, 2024 | News, InfrastructureCOMMENTARY | When cities follow water-efficient building standards, they insulate their communities and lay the foundation for providing clean water services to growing populations.
Colorado takes a new—and likely more effective—approach to the housing crisis
| News, InfrastructureCOMMENTARY | Colorado’s transit-oriented housing has gained support among developers, city planners and environmental advocates.
Successful city parks make diverse communities feel safe and welcome
May 27, 2024 | News, InfrastructureCOMMENTARY | Parks are like a city’s living room. Designing, building and managing them well makes them attractive to different groups and boosts inclusion.
How bullish are Americans on EVs? It depends on where the nearest charger is.
May 24, 2024 | Infrastructure, NewsPeople who live closer to public electric vehicle chargers view the cars more positively, even when accounting for people’s party identification and the type of community they live in, a new analysis shows.
Are modular homes the future of affordable housing?
| News, InfrastructureIn Buena Vista, Colorado, a public-private partnership crafted a patchwork of legislation, partnerships and regulatory tools to help a local company quickly deliver factory-built, affordable rental units.
New York’s slow progress moving to EVs highlights obstacles cities face
May 23, 2024 | News, InfrastructureWhile the city has struggled to build public chargers for electric vehicles, it has made strides in electrifying its own fleet.
Drivers score win against Uber and Lyft in Minnesota
May 21, 2024 | News, InfrastructureThe ride-hailing companies dropped their threats to leave the state in exchange for lower guaranteed rates than were originally proposed and preemption of city laws. Similar fights are happening around the country.
Passenger rail keeps chugging forward during Infrastructure Week
May 17, 2024 | News, InfrastructureEfforts to expand rail have reached significant milestones in recent weeks, from construction on the Northeast Corridor to new funding on Colorado’s Front Range.