Massive ships make protecting bridges a much tougher task
March 27, 2024 | News, InfrastructureAs officials evaluate replacing Baltimore’s Francis Scott Key Bridge, they must consider the weight and size of increasingly large vessels.
Rebuilding the collapsed Baltimore bridge will be a ‘FAR bigger challenge’
March 26, 2024 | News, InfrastructureWhile recent bridge replacements have been completed in a matter of weeks, this incident will be tougher to recover from and have wider impacts.
Florida is about to erase climate change from most of its laws
March 25, 2024 | News, InfrastructureThe state is spending big on adapting to sea level rise, but Republicans don't want to name the cause.
Excessively high rents are a major burden for immigrants in US cities
| Infrastructure, NewsCOMMENTARY | Immigrants face especially heavy rent burdens, making it hard for them to afford education and job training, health care and other necessities that help them participate as productive residents.
Automakers get some breathing room in EPA air pollution rules
March 20, 2024 | News, InfrastructureThe Biden administration is still pushing for a major shift to electric vehicles by 2032, but many Republicans remain skeptical.
Why do our traffic laws prioritize speed over safety?
March 14, 2024 | News, InfrastructureCOMMENTARY | Reducing traffic accidents is not rocket science. Lower speeds mean fewer accidents and less severe injuries when crashes do occur.
Shapiro pitches carbon cap-and-invest plan to capitalize on Pennsylvania’s energy exports
| News, InfrastructureThe program could make could make the state a national clean energy leader, but critics claim it’s the same tax on electricity as the state’s Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative.
$3.3B in federal grants announced for communities split apart by highways
March 13, 2024 | News, InfrastructureThe one-time infusion of cash for highway caps, bike trails and other improvements shows the Biden administration’s priorities for one of its most high-profile infrastructure initiatives.
Why is it so hard to build housing near transit stops?
March 12, 2024 | News, InfrastructureTwo recent studies look at the obstacles to building more apartments and other dense housing options near transit to address environmental, urban development and housing goals.
Housing gets big boost in Biden budget
March 11, 2024 | News, InfrastructureThe president is proposing funds to increase tax credits, support construction of affordable housing and reduce homelessness.