Challenge-based procurement ‘just makes sense’
May 29, 2024 | Finance, NewsNew York City is trying out a new approach to government procurement, whereby the city seeks solutions to its problems instead of prescribing them.
A new initiative looks to combine child care and care for older adults under one roof
| News, WorkforceAs child care and long-term care facilities face critical shortages, a grant program in Nebraska seeks to incentivize nursing homes to offer both services in the same building.
Florida allows doctors to perform C-sections outside of hospitals
| News, ManagementThe law aims to lower costs and make maternity services more widely available, but doctors and the hospital industry say that performing C-sections in doctor-run clinics will increase the risks for women and babies when complications arise.
City directs a cut of opioid settlement funds to grieving families
May 28, 2024 | Management, NewsThis summer, some families in Boston could start receiving payments to cover funeral expenses and legal services.
Town turns to text messaging to boost community engagement
| News, Digital GovernmentAndover, Massachusetts, operates under the town meeting system. Amid abysmal meeting attendance, officials turned to SMS to manage its meetings and various initiatives.
Water conservation standards are crucial to addressing future challenges
| News, InfrastructureCOMMENTARY | When cities follow water-efficient building standards, they insulate their communities and lay the foundation for providing clean water services to growing populations.
Colorado takes a new—and likely more effective—approach to the housing crisis
| News, InfrastructureCOMMENTARY | Colorado’s transit-oriented housing has gained support among developers, city planners and environmental advocates.
Amid mental health crisis, new compact allows social workers to practice across state lines
| News, WorkforceAmerica is facing a shortage of social workers and other mental health providers.
Successful city parks make diverse communities feel safe and welcome
May 27, 2024 | News, InfrastructureCOMMENTARY | Parks are like a city’s living room. Designing, building and managing them well makes them attractive to different groups and boosts inclusion.
New veteran justice program aims to steer veterans back to ‘hero status’
| News, ManagementNebraska is the first state to adopt recommendations from a commission on veteran justice that calls for treatment and case plans that address military service-connected conditions that contributed to criminal offenses.