Biden announces $6B in student debt relief for public service workers
March 21, 2024 | News, WorkforceAn estimated 78,000 teachers, firefighters and public health workers are among the group of borrowers who will see their debts canceled under the Public Service Loan Forgiveness program.
What are microcredentials? And are they worth having?
March 20, 2024 | News, WorkforceCOMMENTARY | Microcredentials give employees a way to verify their competencies while providing government and industry with another approach for finding skilled workers.
Working-class people rarely have a seat ‘at the legislative table’ in state capitols
March 15, 2024 | Workforce, NewsThe dearth of working-class legislators raises concerns that economic challenges such as wage stagnation and the rising cost of living will get short shrift in state capitols.
What’s the status of your EMS?
| News, WorkforceCOMMENTARY | As rural communities struggle to keep Emergency Medical Services operating, how do we assess the condition of those services? Are we asking the right questions?
‘Brain gain’ in rural America and who is behind it
March 13, 2024 | News, WorkforceYoung people leave their homes to explore and learn everywhere, not just in rural America. But rural spaces offer some unique advantages that inspire many to return and bolster their communities.
School districts offer affordable teacher housing as recruitment tool
March 11, 2024 | News, WorkforceWith fewer people entering the education profession and leaving earlier, more districts may consider teacher housing to increase attractiveness as they compete for talent.
How states can fight child labor
March 08, 2024 | News, WorkforceCOMMENTARY | Children as young as 13 have been found working overnight shifts in slaughterhouses. States must adjust their existing labor laws to deter employers from taking advantage of this vulnerable population.
Can student debt relief attract workers to state and local government jobs?
March 07, 2024 | News, WorkforceMore than 46% of state and local employees reported being “extremely or very worried” about paying back their student loans. A new report suggests addressing that concern could entice more people into the public sector.
Meet the newest member of your team: the chief AI officer
March 06, 2024 | News, WorkforceFederal agencies must hire a CAIO by year’s end. State and local governments could soon follow their lead, but some observers doubt that another C-suite officer is the best way to go.
States get some help to recruit caregivers for an aging population
March 05, 2024 | News, WorkforceWith a projected 9.3 million direct care jobs needing to be filled by 2031, states must find ways to fill that gap. That’s why a new program is helping states build a direct care workforce.